thick_edges_100_vert: "#version 100\nattribute vec3 v_position;\nattribute vec3 v_color;\nattribute vec3 edge_vector;\nattribute vec2 vertex_vector;\nuniform mat4 u_matrix;\nuniform mat4 u_projection;\nuniform mat4 u_modelView;\nuniform float u_strokeWidth;\nvarying vec3 blend_color;\nvoid main () {\n\tvec3 edge_norm = normalize(edge_vector);\n\t// axis most dissimilar to edge_vector\n\tvec3 absNorm = abs(edge_norm);\n\tvec3 xory = absNorm.x < absNorm.y ? vec3(1,0,0) : vec3(0,1,0);\n\tvec3 axis = absNorm.x > absNorm.z && absNorm.y > absNorm.z ? vec3(0,0,1) : xory;\n\t// two perpendiculars. with edge_vector these make basis vectors\n\tvec3 one = cross(axis, edge_norm);\n\tvec3 two = cross(one, edge_norm);\n\tvec3 displaceNormal = normalize(\n\t\tone * vertex_vector.x + two * vertex_vector.y\n\t);\n\tvec3 displace = displaceNormal * (u_strokeWidth * 0.5);\n\tgl_Position = u_matrix * vec4(v_position + displace, 1);\n\tblend_color = v_color;\n}\n" = ...