• Parameters

    • graph: FOLDExtended

      a FOLD object

    • Optional epsilon: number = EPSILON

      optional epsilon. it will be calculated if you leave this empty.

    Returns {
        constraints: {
            taco_taco: TacoTacoConstraint[];
            taco_tortilla: TacoTortillaConstraint[];
            tortilla_tortilla: TortillaTortillaConstraint[];
            transitivity: TransitivityConstraint[];
        facePairs: string[];
        faces_winding: boolean[];
        lookup: {
            taco_taco: number[][];
            taco_tortilla: number[][];
            tortilla_tortilla: number[][];
            transitivity: number[][];
        orders: {
            [key: string]: number;

    all data required for the solver, including:

    • constraints
    • lookup: which tells us location of faces inside of constraints
    • facePairs: all conditions that need to be solved, a list of space-separated pairs of face indices, "a b" where a < b.
    • faces_winding: for every face, which direction is the winding


    Convert a folded graph into the input parameters for the solver including taco-taco, taco-tortilla, tortilla-tortilla, and transitivity constraints.