• Parameters

    • graph: FOLD

      a FOLD object

    • Optional axis: number = 0

      which axis to sweep along

    • Optional epsilon: number = EPSILON

      an optional epsilon

    Returns SweepEvent[]

    an array of event objects, each event contains:

    • t: the position along the axis
    • vertices: the vertices (one or more) at this event along the axis
    • start: the faces which begin at this event in the sweep
    • end: the faces which end at this event in the sweep


    Perform a line sweep through the faces of a graph, This method will create an array of events, each event will either "start" faces or "end" faces. In the case of degenerate faces whose vertices all lie on a line and that line is orthogonal to the sweep axis, within an epsilon, these faces will only exist inside one event and be present in both the "start" and the "end" arrays.