• Parameters

    • graph: FOLD

      a FOLD object

    • key: string

      like "vertices", the prefix of the arrays

    • replaceIndices: number[]

      an array of vertex indices, like [1,9,25]

    Returns number[]

    a map of changes to the graph


    Replaces vertices, edges, or faces (or anything really) replace elements from inside arrays, shift up remaining components, and updates all relevant references across other arrays due to shifting.


    replace(foldObject, "vertices", [2,6,11,15]);


    replaceIndices: [4:3, 7:5, 8:3, 12:3, 14:9] where
    - keys are indices to remove.
    - values are the new indices that these old ones will become.
    note: all values are less than their indices.

    for example: removing index 5 from a 10-long vertices list will shift all
    indices > 5 up by one, and then will look through all other arrays like
    edges_vertices, faces_vertices and update any reference to indices 6-9
    to match their new positions 5-8.

    this can handle removing multiple indices at once; and is faster than
    otherwise calling this multiple times with only one or a few removals.