• Parameters

    • graph: FOLD

      a FOLD object, in creasePattern form, modified in place

    • foldLine: VecLine2

      a fold line

    • Optional lineDomain: Function = includeL

      a domain function characterizing the line into a line, ray, or segment

    • options: {
          assignment?: string;
          foldAngle?: number;
          points?: [number, number][];
          vertices_coordsFolded?: [number, number][] | [number, number, number][];
      } = {}


      • points in the case of a ray or segement, supply the endpoint(s). these are points which will be included inside faces which they appear.
      • assignment: to be applied to the intersected faces with counter-clockwise winding. Clockwise-wound faces will get the opposite assignment
      • foldAngle: the fold angle to be applied, similarly as the assignment.
      • vertices_coordsFolded a copy of the vertices_coords, in folded form, this will be computed if it does not exist.
      • Optional assignment?: string
      • Optional foldAngle?: number
      • Optional points?: [number, number][]
      • Optional vertices_coordsFolded?: [number, number][] | [number, number, number][]
    • Optional epsilon: number = EPSILON

      an optional epsilon

    Returns FoldGraphEvent

    an object summarizing the changes to the graph


    Crease a fold line/ray/segment through a folded origami model. This method takes in and returns a crease pattern but performs the fold on the folded form; this approach maintains better precision especially in the case of repeated calls to fold an origami model.